Earlier this year, Ubisoft shut down the servers for The Crew, leaving the always-online racing game completely unplayable even to those who’d already bought it. The backlash to this decision has spawned a massive consumer rights campaign that’s now seeking 1 million signatures in the EU, and in the wake of that response, the devs are adding offline modes to newer The Crew games – but not the now-dead original.”We heard your concerns about access to The Crew games,” Ubisoft says in a message on social media. “Today, we want to express our commitment to the future of The Crew 2 and The Crew Motorfest. We can confirm an offline mode to ensure long term access to both titles, stay tuned for more news in the next months.”This all comes in the wake of the Stop Killing Games initiative, a consumer rights campaign that’s been reaching out to global lawmakers in hopes of prohibiting publishers from completely revoking access to games players have already purchased. The campaign’s latest effort…
We all know that the Switch 2 is currently looming on the horizon. The specifics don’t really matter right now beyond the fact that it’s known that Nintendo is gearing up for the next big thing, whatever that is. Until recently, I’ve considered this something of a nuisance in much the same way as I did the impending shift away from the Nintendo 3DS once and for all. I’ve recently come around on the idea, however, and it’s all thanks to Emio – The Smiling Man, a Famicom Detective Club sequel that took decades to happen.Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club likely isn’t the sort of game anyone might consider to be a system seller, and it certainly wouldn’t qualify for the Switch successor – whatever it ends up being called – in large part due to the simple fact that it, you know, hasn’t released for it. It’s only just released for the original Nintendo Switch. Add to this that it’s a fairly straightforward visual novel/adventure game distinctly set in Japan decades i…